Australian Green Tree Frog Pet Care Guide

Australian Green Tree Frog Pet

Welcome to our Australian Green Tree Frog Pet Care Guide! If you’re considering bringing one of these adorable amphibians into your home, you’ve come to the right place. The Australian green tree frog, belonging to the Litoria genus, is a popular pet choice due to its unique characteristics and relatively easy maintenance. In this guide, we will provide you with all the essential information you need to ensure your green tree frog thrives in its new environment.

Core Insights to Australian Green Tree Frog Pet:

Australian green tree frogs are long-lived, reaching up to 20 years of age.

They require a suitable diet consisting of live insects and proper calcium intake.

A varied enclosure with different levels and UV lighting is essential.

The temperature in the enclosure should be maintained between 18°C and 32°C.

Humidity levels should be kept between 50-70% in the enclosure.

Introduction to Australian Green Tree Frogs

Australian green tree frogs, also known as Litoria species, are popular pet frogs due to their unique characteristics and relatively easy maintenance.

Native to Australia, these fascinating amphibians belong to the arboreal (tree-living) group of frogs. While they spend their days sleeping, they come to life during the evening and night, making them perfect companions for nocturnal pet owners.

With a potential lifespan of up to 20 years, Australian green tree frogs can bring joy and companionship for an extended period of time. Growing up to 14cm in size, these frogs have the ability to produce a remarkable number of eggs at once, adding a fascinating aspect to their behavior and reproduction.

As insectivores, Australian green tree frogs feast on a variety of live insects in the wild. Ensuring proper care, diet, and habitat is crucial for the well-being and happiness of these captivating pets.

Let’s explore the world of Australian green tree frog pet care to ensure you have all the knowledge you need to provide a nurturing and fulfilling home for your new amphibian companion.

Diet and Feeding Requirements

Australian green tree frogs have specific dietary needs that consist primarily of live insects. Both adult frogs and juveniles are insectivores, relying on a variety of insects for nutrition. The diet should include a mix of crickets, cockroaches, earthworms, silkworms, slugs, moths, mealworms, and wax worms.

Australian Green Tree Frog Pet

While mealworms and wax worms can be included in their diet, it is important to feed them in moderation due to their higher fat content. Feeding excessive amounts of these fatty insects can lead to weight gain and potential health issues.

To ensure proper nutrition and prevent metabolic bone disease, it’s essential to treat the insects with calcium. This can be done through gut-loading or dusting the insects with a calcium supplement before feeding them to the frogs.

Feeding your Australian green tree frog a varied diet is crucial for their health and well-being. It helps prevent nutritional deficiencies and ensures they receive a balanced mix of nutrients.

The feeding frequency and quantity vary depending on the age and size of the frogs. Adult frogs should be fed 10-20% of their body weight each week, divided into 2-3 separate feedings. Juvenile frogs, however, require more frequent feedings to support their growth and development.

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To summarize:

  • Provide a diverse range of live insects in the diet, including crickets, cockroaches, earthworms, silkworms, slugs, moths, mealworms, and wax worms.
  • Feed mealworms and wax worms in moderation due to their higher fat content.
  • Treat the insects with calcium through gut-loading or dusting.
  • Adult frogs should be fed 10-20% of their body weight each week in 2-3 separate feedings.
  • Juvenile frogs require more frequent feedings to support their growth.

By following these feeding guidelines, you can ensure that your Australian green tree frogs receive the necessary nutrients for a healthy and thriving life.

Housing and Enclosure

Housing and Enclosure

Creating a suitable and comfortable enclosure is crucial for the well-being of Australian green tree frogs. As arboreal species, they require an enclosure with different levels and plenty of climbing opportunities. Fake plants, bamboo, tree branches, or PVC pipes can be used to provide the desired levels in the enclosure.

The walls of the enclosure are best made from glass or Perspex, and the roof should be made from a safe, breathable mesh to allow for ventilation. UV lights are essential for captive frogs as they assist in calcium metabolism. The thermal gradient temperature in the cage should be maintained between 18°C and 32°C, with the ability for the frog to self-regulate its temperature. Heat sources should be placed on a thermostat to prevent temperature fluctuations.

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Humidity is also important, and it can be increased with the use of air pumps, bubblers, sprinklers, waterfalls, and living plants. The enclosure substrate should be chosen carefully, avoiding abrasive and ingestible materials. Suitable substrates include sphagnum moss, foam rubber, large rocks, or moist paper towels.

Key Highlights:

  • Enclosure Setup: Provide different levels and climbing opportunities with fake plants, bamboo, tree branches, or PVC pipes.
  • Materials: Use glass or Perspex walls and a breathable mesh roof for ventilation.
  • Temperature Regulation: Maintain a thermal gradient temperature of 18°C to 32°C, with self-regulation ability for the frog. Use thermostats for heat sources to prevent fluctuations.
  • Humidity Control: Increase humidity with air pumps, bubblers, sprinklers, waterfalls, and living plants.
  • Substrate: Choose suitable substrates like sphagnum moss, foam rubber, large rocks, or moist paper towels.
Housing and Enclosure

Lighting and UV Requirements

Proper lighting is essential for the health and well-being of your Australian green tree frogs. UV lighting plays a crucial role in enabling these frogs to metabolize calcium, thereby preventing metabolic bone disease. To ensure the effectiveness of the UV light, it is important to provide a basking spot within 20cm of the light source.

UV lights come in various sizes and shapes, and it is important to choose the appropriate type and brand of UV globe. Refer to the guidelines provided by the manufacturer or seek guidance from an amphibian veterinarian to select the best option for your frog enclosure.

It is recommended to change the UV globe every six to twelve months to maintain sufficient light output. Regular replacement ensures that your green tree frogs receive the necessary UVB radiation for their overall well-being.

Lighting GuidelinesDuration
Lighting Per DayApproximately 10 hours
Light-Dark Cycle12 hours each

Remember to adjust the lighting schedule to mimic natural day and night cycles, providing a sense of routine for your green tree frogs. By implementing these lighting and UV requirements, you can create the ideal environment to support the health and well-being of your Australian green tree frogs.

Temperature and Humidity Control

Temperature and Humidity Control

Maintaining the appropriate temperature and humidity levels in the enclosure is vital for the health of Australian green tree frogs. These amphibians thrive within a thermal gradient of 18°C to 32°C, although some species prefer slightly cooler upper-range temperatures.

To ensure consistent temperature regulation, it is recommended to utilize heat sources such as heat mats or heat lamps placed on a thermostat. This setup prevents dangerous temperature fluctuations that can be detrimental to the frogs’ wellbeing.

Humidity plays a crucial role in the overall comfort and health of green tree frogs. A humidity level between 50% and 70% is optimal, as higher humidity levels increase the risk of fungal and bacterial infections.

Water access should always be provided in the enclosure to enable the frogs to stay hydrated effectively. However, it is important to treat tap water with water conditioners to remove chlorine and heavy metal additives that may be harmful to the frogs. Regular water changes are also recommended, with small water containers necessitating daily changes and larger water provisions requiring weekly changes or fortnightly changes with appropriate filtration systems.

TemperatureHumidityWater Changes
18°C – 32°C50% – 70%Small containers: Daily
Large containers: Weekly or fortnightly with appropriate filtration systems
Choosing the Right Enclosure and Equipment

Choosing the Right Enclosure and Equipment

When it comes to housing your Australian green tree frogs, selecting the appropriate enclosure and equipment is crucial for their well-being. Consider the following factors to ensure a comfortable and safe habitat for your froggy friends.

The Perfect Tank

For your Australian green tree frogs, a tall or high aquarium with a tight-fitting lid is highly recommended. These frogs have suctioning footpads that allow them to climb glass walls, so a secure enclosure is essential to prevent any escapes. The tank should also be escape-proof, waterproof, and made of non-toxic materials to ensure the safety of your frogs.

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Popular choices for housing multiple frogs are tanks from the Exo Terra range or standard 3ft (90cm) aquariums. These provide ample space for the frogs to move around and exhibit their natural behaviors.

Regulating Temperature and Humidity

Proper heating is crucial to maintain temperatures above 10°C in the tank. You can achieve this by using an aquarium heater and ensuring water movement to regulate the temperature and humidity levels. These frogs thrive in a subtropical environment, so it’s important to maintain consistent temperature and humidity conditions to mimic their natural habitat.

Thoughtful Lighting

Lighting plays an important role in the overall well-being of Australian green tree frogs. Subdued lighting is preferred, and the use of UVB lights is highly recommended. UVB lights assist in calcium metabolism, which is vital for the frogs’ health and preventing metabolic bone disease. Ensure that the frogs can bask within 20cm of the UV light for optimal effectiveness.

Australian Green Tree Frog Pet

Creating a Stimulating Habitat

To create a comfortable and stimulating habitat for your green tree frogs, consider adding live plants, sturdy branches, and climbing enrichments to the enclosure. These elements provide opportunities for exploration and mimic their natural environment. Creating a dynamic habitat not only enhances their well-being but also allows for engaging observation and interaction with your beloved frogs.

Remember, a well-chosen enclosure and suitable equipment are key factors in providing a thriving environment for your Australian green tree frogs. By following these guidelines, you can ensure the health and happiness of your amphibious companions.

Enclosure and Equipment Checklist
Tall or high aquarium with a tight-fitting lid
Escape-proof, waterproof, and non-toxic materials
Exo Terra range or standard 3ft (90cm) aquarium
Aquarium heater and water movement for temperature regulation
Subdued lighting and UVB lights
Live plants, sturdy branches, and climbing enrichments

Handling and Hygiene

When it comes to handling Australian green tree frogs, proper hygiene practices are essential to ensure the well-being of your pet. Here are some guidelines to follow:

Washing Your Hands

Before and after handling your Australian green tree frog, it’s important to wash your hands thoroughly. This helps to remove any natural oils and salts that may be present on your skin, which can be toxic to the frogs. Here’s how to do it:

Handling and Hygiene
  1. Use non-chlorinated water, preferably from the tank where your frog resides.
  2. Apply a mild, fragrance-free soap to your hands.
  3. Rub your hands together thoroughly, making sure to clean all areas including between fingers and under nails.
  4. Rinse your hands under running water.
  5. Dry your hands with a clean towel or air dry.

Avoid Lotions and Soaps

To prevent any residues from harming your Australian green tree frog, it’s best to avoid using lotions, creams, or heavily scented soaps before handling them. These products can leave behind chemicals that may be harmful to amphibians. It’s always better to err on the side of caution and prioritize the health of your pet.

Maintaining Minimal Handling

While Australian green tree frogs are generally tolerant of handling, it’s important to keep it to a minimum. Frequent or excessive handling can cause stress and potential injury to the frogs. Remember, they are delicate creatures, and they may be more comfortable observing from their habitat. Respect their boundaries and provide them with a safe and secure environment to thrive.

In brief, handling Australian green tree frogs requires proper hygiene practices to safeguard their health. By following these guidelines, you can establish a safe and respectful routine for interacting with your pet frog.

Health and Disease Prevention

Ensuring the health and wellbeing of your Australian green tree frogs is essential for their long, happy lives as your cherished pets. Regular health checks by an amphibian veterinarian every 6-12 months are highly recommended. By addressing any health concerns early on, you can prevent potential complications and provide the best possible care for your frogs.

Health and Disease Prevention

Common health conditions that pet tree frogs may encounter include fungal and bacterial infections, internal parasites, malnutrition or metabolic bone disease, obesity, and trauma. These conditions can significantly impact the overall health and vitality of your frogs, so it’s crucial to be vigilant and proactive in their care.

Fungal and bacterial infections: Australian green tree frogs are susceptible to fungal and bacterial infections, which can lead to severe health issues if left untreated. Regularly inspecting your frogs for any signs of skin discoloration, abnormal shedding, ulcers, or redness is vital. If you notice any of these symptoms, consult a veterinarian who specializes in amphibian care.

Internal parasites: Parasitic infestations can cause digestive problems, weight loss, and other health complications in green tree frogs. Regular fecal examinations are recommended to detect any presence of internal parasites. If parasites are detected, your veterinarian can prescribe appropriate deworming medications.

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Malnutrition and metabolic bone disease: Inadequate nutrition can lead to malnutrition and metabolic bone disease in green tree frogs, affecting their bone strength and overall health. Ensure that your frogs are receiving a well-balanced diet consisting of a variety of nutritious live insects. Calcium supplementation through gut-loading or dusting the insects with calcium powder is crucial for their bone health.

Obesity: Overfeeding and providing high-fat insects like mealworms and wax worms can lead to obesity in green tree frogs. Maintain a proper feeding schedule and monitor their weight to prevent excessive weight gain. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the optimal feeding regimen for your frogs based on their age and size.

Health and Disease Prevention

Trauma: Australian green tree frogs are delicate creatures, and any accidents or mishandling can result in traumatic injuries. Avoid excessive handling and provide a safe and secure environment for your frogs to prevent falls, bumps, or other physical injuries.

Chytridiomycosis: Chytridiomycosis is a highly contagious fungal disease that poses a significant threat to amphibian populations worldwide. It can quickly spread and cause devastating consequences. To minimize the risk of introducing chytrid fungus to your frogs, only purchase them from reputable breeders who follow proper biosecurity measures.

To ensure optimal health and disease prevention for your Australian green tree frogs, follow these essential guidelines:

  • Choose healthy frogs from reputable breeders.
  • Maintain a clean and hygienic enclosure to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi.
  • Provide a balanced and nutritious diet of live insects and supplement with calcium.
  • Maintain appropriate temperature and humidity levels in the enclosure.
  • Monitor your frogs for any changes in behavior, appetite, or physical appearance.
  • Seek professional veterinary care at the first sign of illness or distress.

By prioritizing the health and well-being of your Australian green tree frogs, you can enjoy many years of companionship and delight in these fascinating amphibians.

Preventive MeasuresBenefits
Regular health checks by an amphibian veterinarianEarly detection and treatment of health conditions
Proper nutrition with a varied diet of live insectsMaintains overall health and prevents malnutrition
Maintaining appropriate temperature and humidity levelsPrevents stress and reduces the risk of infections
Maintaining a clean and hygienic enclosurePrevents the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi
Careful handling and minimizing stressReduces the risk of traumatic injuries and associated health issues

Final Remarks

Proper care and maintenance are essential for keeping Australian green tree frogs as pets. These arboreal amphibians have specific dietary, housing, lighting, and temperature requirements. Providing a varied diet of live insects, maintaining suitable humidity and temperature levels, and creating an enriched environment with appropriate climbing opportunities are all necessary for the well-being of these frogs.

Regular health checks and disease prevention measures should be taken to ensure a long and healthy life for your Australian green tree frog pet. By following this green tree frog pet care guide, you can enjoy the joys of owning an Australian green tree frog and have a happy amphibian companion.

Remember, keeping Australian green tree frogs requires dedication and attention to detail, but with the right knowledge and care, you can create a thriving habitat for these fascinating creatures. Owning an Australian green tree frog can be a rewarding experience, and with the information provided in this guide, you have the tools to provide a safe and fulfilling life for your pet.


Are Australian green tree frogs good pets?

Yes, Australian green tree frogs make great pets. They are unique and relatively easy to care for.

How long do Australian green tree frogs live?

Australian green tree frogs can live up to 20 years in captivity with proper care.

What size do Australian green tree frogs grow to?

These frogs can grow up to 14cm in length.

What should I feed Australian green tree frogs?

Australian green tree frogs should be fed a diet consisting of live insects, such as crickets, cockroaches, and worms.

Can I feed mealworms and wax worms to my green tree frog?

Yes, but it is important to feed mealworms and wax worms in moderation due to their high fat content.

How should I provide calcium to my Australian green tree frogs?

Calcium can be provided to the frogs by gut-loading or dusting the insects before feeding them to the frogs.

What kind of enclosure do Australian green tree frogs need?

Australian green tree frogs require a varied enclosure with different levels and plenty of climbing opportunities.

Are UV lights necessary for Australian green tree frogs?

Yes, UV lights are essential for Australian green tree frogs as they assist in calcium metabolism.

What temperature should I maintain in the frog enclosure?

The temperature should be maintained between 18°C and 32°C, with appropriate heat sources regulated by a thermostat.

How do I maintain the humidity levels for Australian green tree frogs?

Humidity levels should be kept between 50-70%, and suitable substrates like sphagnum moss or moist paper towels can help maintain humidity.

How often should I take my Australian green tree frog to the veterinarian?

Regular health checks are recommended, and visits to an amphibian veterinarian every 6-12 months are advised.

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