Category Archives: Dogs

The Best Dog Toys With Squeakers

Dog Toys With Squeakers

As dog owners, here at GeoZoo we’re always looking for new and exciting ways to keep our canine companions happy and healthy. A new dog toy simple, awesome, and inexpensive way to keep our dogs happy. Many dog owners know that dogs love playing with whatever they can find, be it a tennis ball, or […]

The Rarest Dog Breeds on the Planet

Tibetan Mastiff

If you live in a busy city, there’s a good chance you’ve run into 100s of dog breeds in your lifetime. Common dog breeds range from small dogs like Yorkshire Terriers and Shih Tzu to the large Labrador Retrievers and Mastiffs.However, every now and then you might encounter a different, maybe slightly unusual breed in […]

Are My Dogs Gums Healthy? What to Look for and How to Check

Dog Gums

As we’ve written about before here on GeoZoo, dog grooming is essential and it’s one of the most important parts of keeping our little friends healthy and happy. Proper grooming should never be neglected.However, there’s one HUGE part of grooming that many owners forget about, oral care. Just like humans, dogs suffer from dozens of […]

25 Surprising Ways To Make Your Dog Happy

happy dog golden retriever

Keeping our dogs happy is one of the most exciting parts of being a dog owner, seeing them wiggle their tails and excitedly greet us when we arrive home is the best part of the day. Dogs love the simplest activities (as long as they are with you) and always return their love with with […]

The 22 Most Popular Dog Breeds That Don’t Shed

American Hairless Terrier In Water

Everyone loves dogs!It’s an undeniable fact, they’re the most popular pet in the worldHowever, there’s a large number of people that would love to have a dog, but can’t because they dislike dealing with the hairy mess dogs leave around the house, the furniture, and on clothing. Whether you dislike it, or, suffer an allergic […]