5 Steps to Safely Handle a Snake Encounter

pet snake

On her way to work one morning, a commuter in Swensea recently discovered a corn snake on the pavement of the railway station. The woman was kind enough to pick the snake up and preserve it in a food tub with air holes until the RSPCA came to rescue the baby snake; who was a pet suspected to have escaped from its owner. The corn snake is not venomous and they kill their prey by constricting it.

How Common Are Snake Encounters In The US?

In the United States, snake encounters are relatively rare. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 7,000-8,000 people are bitten by venomous snakes in the US each year, and about 5 of those people die. However, this number is small compared to the total population of the US.

Texas is considered to be the most snake-infested state in the US with 68 species of snakes scattered throughout its land. Other states such as Georgia also have a significant presence of snakes due to their expanding population encroaching on their habitat. Despite this, it is important to remember that most snakes encountered in the US are not poisonous and should be left alone if possible. This is a guide to safely handle a snake encounter.

Steps To Safely Handle A Snake Encounter

Handling a snake encounter can be a daunting experience. If you find yourself in this situation, there are certain steps that should be taken to ensure safety for yourself and the snake.

Remain Calm: When confronted with a snake, it is important to remain calm and take slow, measured steps away from the animal before attempting to interact with it.

Use Proper Protective Gear: When handling snakes, always use protective gloves or tongs to minimize contact with the animal and reduce the risk of injury or contagion.

Identify The Species: Taking time to properly identify the species of snake can help you determine if it is dangerous or not and therefore how to approach it safely.

Know Your Local Regulations: Familiarize yourself with local laws regarding snakes so that you don’t get in trouble if necessary action needs to be taken.

Seek Professional Help: If needed, seek professional help from an experienced wildlife handler who can relocate or humanely remove the snake without endangering anyone’s safety.

What To Do If A Snake Bites You

If you are unfortunate enough to be bitten by a snake, there are certain steps that should be taken immediately:

Follow First Aid Protocols: The first thing to do is to follow basic first aid protocols such as washing the area with soap and water, keeping the affected area elevated and immobilized, and seeking medical attention immediately.

Identify The Snake: Taking note of physical characteristics of the snake can help doctors determine what kind of anti-venom is necessary for treatment.

Seek Professional Help: Visit a professional for further assessment and treatment, as venomous snakes can be very dangerous.

Monitor Symptoms: Always monitor your symptoms after a snake bite – if any unusual reactions are observed then seek prompt medical care.

Tips To Ensure That Your Pet Snake Does Not Escape

Having a pet snake can bring joy to any home – but it is important to ensure that your pet snake does not escape. Here are some tips to make sure that your pet remains safe and secure:

Make Sure The Lid Is Securely Fastened: Always check the lid of the terrarium or enclosure where your pet snake is being kept to make sure that it is tightly secured.

Inspect Hiding Places Regularly: Monitor areas where your pet may attempt to hide, such as under furniture or behind curtains, and make sure they are closed properly.

Minimize Openings in The Enclosure: Check the enclosure regularly for possible openings or weak spots that could allow your pet to escape.

Handle Your Snake Carefully: When handling your snake, always be extra cautious and avoid sudden movements which could allow them to break free.

Utilize an Escape-Proof Enclosure: Invest in an enclosure with multiple latching mechanisms so you can be confident that it won’t let you down.


Being aware of snake safety is essential in order to protect yourself and others from any potential dangers. Always follow the relevant first aid protocols if you are bitten by a snake, and ensure your pet remains secure in its enclosure. By taking these precautions into account, you can help to ensure that everyone’s safety is maintained.

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