Category Archives: Fish

What Do Pet Piranhas Eat? A Comprehensive Guide to Feeding Your Pet Piranha

piranhas in my tank

Tired of ordinary fish and looking for an extraordinary pet to showcase in your home aquarium? For the brave and adventurous, a pet piranha might just be the perfect candidate! However, it’s crucial to understand the responsibilities and challenges that come with owning such a fascinating yet misunderstood creature. This comprehensive guide will shed light […]

Raising Healthy Neon Tetra Fry: A Comprehensive Guide

neon ttetra

Neon tetras, also known as Paracheirodon innesi, are one of the most beloved and iconic fish species in the aquarium hobby. Their vibrant colors and peaceful nature make them a favorite among aquarists of all levels of experience. While neon tetras are relatively easy to care for as adults, raising healthy neon tetra fry presents […]