If you have a pet iguana, you probably know that they have spikes on their backs. These protrusions are not rigid or hard. The spikes serve two main roles including scaring away potential danger and aesthetics. Some experts say that spikes can help in temperature regulation as well as for cooling off. Caring for your pet properly is the key to promoting the health of the reptile. With proper care, a pet iguana can live up to 20 years. Unfortunately, iguana spikes are very delicate. They are prone to many problems and when the issues are not tackled, the spikes will turn color and fall off. The good news is that through diligent care for your iguana, you can protect health and their cherished spikes.
The most common iguana spike issues
- They can fall off
- Spikes can suffer fungal infection
- They can break or bend
- Spikes may have shedding troubles
- They may become infested with mites or other pests
Once you know the dangers, it is easier to put in place preventive measures that can protect iguana spikes.
The major cause of spike breakage and falling off
Every iguana pet owner should know the leading cause of spike breakage and falling off. Shedding problems which are triggered by dryness are the major problem. Remember, iguanas, just like other reptiles are cold-blooded. This simply means that they do not have the power to regulate their body temperature effectively. If the surrounding temperature is not conducive enough, dryness will be witnessed. Spikes will therefore be preserved when the cage or iguana environment is truly ideal.
Top iguana spike care tips
This is a very critical process for your iguana. Shedding can be incomplete and when this happens, spikes can be affected negatively. Therefore, you need to make sure that the humidity of the tank is set to at least 70%. Mist and fog your iguana at least two times a day. One of the products to help with this is the reptile humidifier/fogger by Evergreen Pet Supplies. This fogger creates the perfect conditions for your iguana to shed and thrive. It is easy to assemble and is perfectly compatible with all enclosures. The reptile fogger also has many positive reviews as many people have found it useful.
Iguana spikes are easily destroyed by heat and in this regard, keep your lamp at a good distance from your pet.
Spike dryness
Dry spikes will easily break and fall off. It is important for you to never remove any shedding skin forcefully by hand. For dry spikes, apply some pure coconut oil or mineral oil. This will promote healthy shedding to preserve spikes. If the skin is too dry, it might bleed and in this case, some antibiotic ointment will do.
If your iguana spikes are infected with fungus or bacteria, look for the relevant remedy and apply to the area. To prevent such infections, make sure your pet is healthy. A healthy diet rich in vitamins and proteins will help ward away infections. Vegetable proteins such as peas are the best for iguanas. Vitamin and protein deficiencies can cause dryness and breakage of spikes.
Do iguana spikes grow back after falling off?
It is highly unlikely that the spikes will grow back. However, in some cases, some spikes may start developing but they may not be as prominent as the ones before. Therefore, prevention in this case is critical to preserving the iguana spikes. A good fogger or humidifier will help your pet shed easily and effectively. Ultimately, all spikes will be spared accordingly. If your iguana has already lost some spikes, you can prevent further loss this way. Your input will make all the difference.
Thinking of having a pet iguana? Top benefits
If you are thinking about an iguana for a pet, there are many reasons why you should go ahead with it. Iguanas are first and foremost lovable. They are friendly reptiles who can be easily tamed. They do not bite when trained properly. They are herbivorous and will eat vegetables and fruits most of the time. If you have a thing for exotic pets, an iguana will certainly fit the bill. They can live many years; making them great life companions. These reptiles are very smart and can be trained even to use a toilet. In terms of education, they are great pets to explore. Their wild beauty and bold allure make them very unique creatures to have in your home.
Quick iguana fun facts

- Iguanas are the most popular reptile pets kept by humans. However, they are also enjoyed as a delicacy by others. Iguana eggs are also used as food and as a matter of fact, the eggs are quite pricey making them a novelty food.
- These reptiles spend most of their time sunbathing. They will only look for food when they are really hungry.
- Most iguana pets will die in the first year of being adopted or acquired. This is because the creatures will take their own lives if they do not get the care they need. In some cases, suicidal iguanas will cut off their tails while others will choose to starve to death.
- Iguanas grow really big and can reach the length of 7 feet. It is worth noting that half of their total length is their tail. They have very long tails which help in keeping enemies at bay.
- Green iguanas are the most common pets. However, they come in all manner of colors including purple, orange and blue. They camouflage themselves effectively for safety.
- These reptiles can survive underwater for nearly 30 minutes without breathing. This is despite the fact that they use their lungs for breathing. They are great swimmers as well.
- Iguanas have great landing abilities after a fall. In fact, they can survive a 50 feet fall without suffering any injury.
- These reptiles have a third eye on top of their heads. This eye does not produce any images even though it is connected to the pineal gland in the brain. This eye is believed to promote cognitive awareness for better safety.