Old School Dog Grooming Tools That We Don’t See Anymore

white dog grooming geozoo.org

dog grooming geozoo.orgGrooming your dog is an essential activity that should not be neglected.

However, many dog owners are using outdated, incorrect, or even inadequate tools from the olden days of pet care.

A lack of proper grooming can result in health issues for your beloved dog, and since everyone wants a healthy and happy friend, you should of course try to keep your dog well groomed.

However, it’s not a secret that grooming a dog, especially a nervous one, can a bit of a pain in the butt. Hair brushing, bathing, drying, and nail clipping are all difficult things to do when you are struggling with a large breed or an anxious pup.

Luckily for many owners, the dog grooming business is thriving. There are dozens of establishments near you were professionals will take care of your pets and groom them properly.

Unfortunately, recently many dog owners have been quite concerned with the quality and safety of ‘professional’ groomers. Many of these concerns have been arising around the use of industrial or inadequate tools, commonly used to groom pets quickly.

So, let’s discuss some of the old school and lousy tools in use today and how grooming tools have improved in the recent years to protect and keep your pets in tip-top shape.

Heating Cage Dryers and Household Hair Dryers

hair dryer geozoo.orgAfter bathing a dog, you must dry them properly to avoid hypothermia in cold environments and/or to prevent their hair from getting matted.

To save time, in the past, groomers commonly used conventional hair dryers (the same hairdryers humans use). However, hair dryers simply create air that is too hot for a dog, resulting in potential skin burns for some pets.

Besides the high temperature, the noise and direct air blowing of the dryer makes many dogs quite nervous, making the process even harder on the animal. To correct this issue enclosed cage dryers were made.

However, the peril of leaving a dog unattended in one of these “drying machines” was quickly rethought and vetoed. Although some groomers still use cage dryers, the models have completely changed to open versions that use no heat, only blowing air across the open kennel.

Most groomers now use professional pet dryers that blow non-heated air at high speed to quickly remove excess water and moisture, without harming the pet.

Pet Washing Machines

Pet washing machine geozoo.orgAutomatic washing machines for dogs are relatively recent but, much like any other new technology today, they rapidly evolved and improved through different models, features and methods.

Leaving your dog inside a washing machine without human input seemed like a ‘great idea’ at first, but the reality is that every dog requires hand care and specific treatment.

We don’t really recommend putting your beloved pet through a machine like a car wash.

Recently, models have begun to shift from automatic to self-service where you can enjoy the benefits of professional grade equipment but groom him yourself. The benefit here is you don’t need to depend on anyone else for the care of your dog but have access to the tools most people don’t have, like grooming-grade blow dryers.

Deshedding tools

Hair grooming is an often neglected, but critical, aspect of pet care. Every owner should be deshedding and grooming their pet at least once a day or, at least several times a week – depending on their breed of dog. A quick brush through their coat with the proper tool can help to remove hair and prevent matting. Moreover, this is excellent bonding time.

There are dozens of tools available to “ease” the grooming process, like electric deshedding tools, but not only are they expensive, they are mostly unnecessary.

Ask a professional groomer for what brush is best for your dog’s coat. You’ll see you can most likely buy a simple brush that will keep your dog’s fur neat and tidy with little effort.

Groomers, Keeping Your Pet Healthy and Neat

healthy dog happy geozoo.orgProfessional groomers are always looking for better methods and tools to groom your pets effectively while providing humane and loving treatment. A good groomer knows that dogs are unique to every owner and should be treated as such.

Whether you’re a first time owner who lacks the necessary tools and knowledge to groom your pet, you’re scared you might injure your friend in the process, or don’t have enough time to groom your dog properly you might want to get the assistance of a professional groomer.

Not only do they have the right set of tools for every job, they also have the experience of dealing with hundreds of dogs of all sizes and ages, knowing how to treat a new client with the love and care they deserve.

Even if you’re willing to learn how to groom your pet at home and wish to pamper your beloved dog yourself you might still want to visit an experienced groomer first and ask for instructions and advice on how to take care of your dog.

Some procedures are quite tricky to pull off the first couple times, for example, nail trimming, a crucial part of grooming that all dogs require and might not be quite as easy as cutting your kids nails. If you overcut and cut into the ‘quick’ you could cause bleeding, hurt your dog’s paw, and generally make your pet feel uncomfortable.

Head to a professional groomer and they’ll gladly guide you through the best tools available and what sort of treatment you should give your pet to keep them and their coat in excellent shape.

Remember that dog grooming is an essential part of keeping our friends happy and healthy, so don’t neglect their care and get them to a professional groomer when possible.

What do you think? Do you still use any of the tools we mentioned? Disagree? Let us know in the comments

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