What Does a Skink Lizard Eat? A Comprehensive Guide to Diet & Care

What Does a Skink Lizard Eat

Skinks are fascinating creatures that captivate the interest of pet owners and researchers alike. With over 1,500 species across the globe, their diets can be as diverse as their habitats. How do these little reptiles find their food, and what does a skink lizard eat? Are there specific nutritional requirements for baby skinks? In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of skink diets, from feeding habits in the wild to caring for your pet skink at home.

Here is what you need to know:

  • Skinks are omnivorous lizards whose diets vary based on species and habitat.
  • A balanced diet for skinks should include 60% fruits & vegetables, 40% insects, small rodents, cooked meats and other protein sources. Supplemented with calcium carbonate source.
  • Feeding your pet skink the right way can help ensure their optimal health by controlling frequency & portion size plus gut loading insects.

Skink Dietary Basics

A skink eating an insect

Skinks are generally omnivorous lizards, with insects being their primary food source. However, their diets can vary depending on the species and habitat. Garden skinks rely purely on insects, while some other skinks also consume fruits, vegetables, and other protein sources.

Both pet owners and researchers studying pet skinks, these intriguing reptiles that rarely bite humans, must grasp the dietary needs of skinks in order to properly feed them.

Insects as Staple Food

Insects, such as crickets, mealworms, and flies, form the staple diet for most skink species. These dead insects are easily accessible in the wild and can be found at most pet shops for pet skink owners. Some pet owners may also opt for live insects as an alternative.

Cockroaches are another viable option, as they are easy to breed and provide a nutritious meal for skinks.

Fruits and Vegetables for Omnivorous Skinks

Omnivorous skinks can consume a variety of fruits and vegetables, which can make up a significant portion of their diet. It is recommended that these skinks be offered a balanced diet of 60% vegetables and fruits and 40% insects.

However, avoid feeding them citrus fruits, as they can be harmful to skinks.

Protein Sources

Besides insects, skinks can also consume other protein sources to meet their nutritional needs. Small rodents, other lizards, and even cooked meats can be part of a skink’s diet.

In the wild, some skinks, including the common garden skink, may prey on smaller species of lizards, while larger skink species can benefit from consuming chicken and rabbit.

Feeding Your Pet Skink

A pet skink being fed by its owner

Attention to the following factors is required when feeding your pet skink to ensure their optimal health and longevity:

  • Frequency of feeding
  • Portion sizes
  • Supplementation
  • Gut-loading insects

The right feeding practices can prevent common diet-related health issues like calcium deficiency and obesity.

Feeding Frequency and Portion Sizes

Adult skinks should be fed every 1-2 days, while baby skinks require daily feeding. The portion size should be appropriate for the size, age, and activity level of the skink, with a general rule being that the portion size should not be larger than the size of its head.

Monitoring your skink’s weight and adjusting its portion size accordingly can help prevent overfeeding.


For skinks to maintain optimal nutrition, calcium and multivitamin supplements are necessary. These supplements can be provided in the form of powders sprinkled on their insects.

For blue tongue skink, it is recommended to dust their protein sources with a calcium carbonate source before feeding them.

Gut-loading Insects

Gut-loading insects with nutritious foods ensures a well-rounded diet for your skink. This process involves feeding the insects a nutritious diet before they are consumed by your skink, ensuring a more nutritious meal for your pet.

Gut-loading insects with foods such as fruits, vegetables, and grains can greatly benefit your skin’s overall health, especially when they eat insects, which is a form of eating insects.

Skink Feeding Habits in the Wild

Wild skinks employ a variety of hunting techniques and their diets differ based on their habitat and species. Gaining insight into their natural feeding habits can inform pet owners on how to best care for their skinks.

Hunting Techniques

A wild skink hunting for food

Skinks hunt using their sense of smell, vibration detection, and exploration of crevices. They rely on their acute sense of smell to:

  • Identify the chemical traces left by insects
  • Detect ground-borne vibrations caused by worms and insects
  • Inspect crevices and burrows for potential prey.

These hunting techniques enable skinks to find food in various environments.

What Does a Skink Lizard Eat: Diet Variations by Habitat and Species

Skink diets in the wild can vary greatly based on their environment and species. Some skinks may consume geckos if they are of suitable size, while their daily intake of food and water is relatively small.

Their diets can be influenced by factors such as habitat structure, availability of food resources, and relative foraging success.

Baby Skink Nutrition

A baby skink eating a small insect

Proper nutrition and feeding schedules are required for baby skinks to ensure their growth and development. It is vital for their well-being to provide them with suitable food types and sizes, and to feed them at the right frequency.

Food Types and Sizes

Juvenile skinks eat similar foods as adults, but in smaller sizes, as they must swallow their food whole. Suitable foods for baby skinks include:

  • Pinkie mice
  • Small lizards
  • Pureed meats
  • Insects
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables

For their growth and development, it’s vital that the food is sized appropriately for easy consumption.

Feeding Frequency

Baby skinks should be fed once or twice daily to ensure proper growth and development. Providing them with a balanced diet, including 70% protein, 20% vegetables, and 10% fruit, can help meet their nutritional needs. It’s important to know what baby skinks eat to maintain their health and well-being.

Additionally, supplementing their diet with bone meal can further support their growth.

Skink Predators and Food Competition

A skink being chased by a predator
incredible photo of birds chasing and eating skinks

Skinks face various predators and food competition in the wild, which can greatly influence their behavior and survival. Understanding these challenges can provide valuable insights into their ecology and help protect these unique creatures.

Predators of Skinks

Predators of skinks include birds of prey, snakes, and larger lizards. Predators eat skinks due to their small size and slow movement, which makes them easy prey, while their lack of defensive capabilities further increases their vulnerability.

Despite these challenges, garden skinks have managed to adapt and thrive in various environments.

Food Competition Among Skinks and Other Species

Skinks compete for food with:

  • other insectivores
  • fruit-eaters
  • small mammals
  • members of their own species inhabiting the same area.

Habitat structure, relative foraging success, and availability of food resources all play a role in influencing food competition among skinks and other species.

Common Health Concerns Related to Diet

skink eating watermelon

Skinks may develop diet-related health problems such as calcium deficiency and obesity. Grasping these common health concerns and their dietary connections can assist pet owners and researchers in providing the best care for these captivating creatures, ensuring a proper skink’s diet is maintained.

A balanced diet is necessary for skinks to stay healthy and active.

Calcium Deficiency

Calcium deficiency can lead to metabolic bone disease and other health problems in skinks. Signs of calcium deficiency in skinks may include softening of the bones, lethargy, and decreased appetite.

Providing a calcium supplement and increasing the calcium content of the diet can help prevent and treat calcium deficiency in skinks.

Overfeeding and Obesity

Overfeeding and improper diet can result in obesity and related health issues in captive skinks. Obesity can lead to a range of health complications such as organ failure and impaired mobility.

Monitoring your skink’s weight and adjusting its portion size accordingly can help prevent overfeeding and obesity.

Diversity and Variety

What you need to understand is that a diverse diets of skinks is essential for both pet owners and researchers studying these captivating reptiles. By providing proper nutrition, supplementation, and feeding practices, skinks can lead healthy lives in captivity. Furthermore, learning about their feeding habits in the wild, predators, and food competition can offer valuable insights into their ecology and help protect these unique creatures.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of food does a skink lizard eat?

Skinks are omnivorous lizards, mainly eating insects, mollusks, small mammals and fruit.

They feed on larger invertebrates, including crickets, moths, slaters, earthworms, flies, grubs, caterpillars, grasshoppers, cockroaches, earwigs, slugs, dandelions and small spiders.

Are skinks good to have around the house?

Skinks can be beneficial to have around the house as they help control bugs like crickets, moths and cockroaches.

You can also encourage them to stay in your area by providing suitable hiding places like rocks, logs, sticks and leaf litter.

Do skink lizards bite?

Skinks can bite in self-defense or if they perceive a threat, although they are not generally aggressive. They have about 40 small sharp teeth fused to their jawbone that are strong enough to clasp against the skin.

Can you keep a skink lizard?

Blue-tongued skinks make excellent pets due to their docile nature, quietness and ease of taming. They are low-maintenance lizards that originate from Australia and get their name from their unique blue tongues.

As such, they can be a great pet choice for children and beginners alike.

How frequently should adult skinks be fed?

Adult skinks should be fed every 1-2 days to maintain their health.

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