Category Archives: Facts

5 Ways to Ensure You Give Your Dog a Balanced Diet

balanced doggy diet

A good diet goes a long way in providing immunity and good health to your dog. Just as humans need a healthy diet for sustenance, similarly, your dog requires extra dietary care. A well-balanced diet combined with proper maintenance and care for dogs can ensure they can enjoy a healthy physical condition, prolonging their life.  […]

The King Of Rock And Roll’s Animal Kingdom: Elvis Presley’s Pets At Graceland

Rock and roll does not seem to be the only thing Elvis Presley was a king of. Elvis Presley was also the king of his own animal kingdom in Graceland. Fans of Presley know that he had always loved music, but what many do not know is that he was also a lifelong animal lover. […]

The Best Way to Care for Your Leopard Gecko

head of leopard gecko

If you are thinking about getting an exotic pet and more so a reptile, a leopard gecko is ideal. This small lizard is excellent for the novice. If you are a veteran reptile owner, having this exotic friend is blissful to say the least. These lizards are not just easy to handle; but they also […]

Ferrets 101 – The Ultimate Guide to Ferret Care

profile of white ferret

Ferrets are some of the most interesting pets to have in your home. They are highly active and playful; amazingly, a group of ferrets is referred to as a “business of ferrets”. These smart fur balls belong to the same family as polecats, weasels, wolverines, otters; among others. It is believed that ferrets have been […]