DELOMO Pet Grooming Glove – Product Review

Does your pet hate the wire bristles of a grooming brush? If so, you may be looking for a product that is gentler on your pet’s coat. One such option is a set of grooming gloves. You can put grooming gloves on your hands, just as you would a set of gardening gloves. The gloves have rubber nubs on them that catch your pet’s fur. The nubs are gentle on your pet’s skin and will not leave them agitated.

When browsing these products, one such option you’re likely to come across is the Pet Grooming Glove by DELOMO. Below, you’ll find an extensive product review so that you can determine whether you should purchase this product.

Pet Grooming Glove By DELOMO

The Pet Grooming Glove by DELOMO has a 4.2-star rating on Amazon with nearly 4,200 customer reviews. Of those who reviewed the product, two-thirds gave it a five-star rating. Because the product is so highly-rated, it carries an “Amazon’s Choice” label for those looking for “dog hair removers.”

The gloves come in a pair. Customers can purchase the pair in either blue or red. There are 255 silicone grooming tips on each glove. DELOMO says that this product is free of any materials that could potentially cause skin irritation.


  • The glove is easy to slip on and off
  • The glove is flexible so that you won’t yank or tug on matted fur
  • Peeling away loose hair from the glove is easy


  • May not work well on pets with short hair
  • Some customers said that silky hair did not cling to the brush

Our Verdict

As pet owners, we’re often skeptical of gloves that claim to help remove fur. There are a good number of these products saturating the market, and not all of them are useful. However, DELOMO recently redesigned its Pet Grooming Gloves. Thanks to the redesign, these gloves are worthy of your consideration, especially if your pet does not like hard grooming bristles.

DELOMO recreated these gloves, adding more silicone nubs to the palm’s surface. This ended up being useful for two reasons. One, it proved to be more relaxing for pets. The additional nubs massage pets during grooming. Second, we also found that it helped the gloves grab more loose hair.

Unfortunately, these gloves only work with pets who have long hair. If you have a pet with a short, silky coat, these gloves likely aren’t strong enough to capture loose hair. However, the gloves are an excellent fit when you use them on animals such as golden retrievers.

We also liked that the gloves are flexible, unlike grooming brushes. Because the gloves are flexible, they go wherever your hand goes. This makes it easier to groom areas that are hard to reach. No longer will you have to worry about grooming your pet with a brush at an awkward angle, scratching it in the process.

Cost And Warranty

Customers can purchase the Blue version of the DELOMO Pet Grooming Glove for just under $13. The Red gloves are a bit more expensive, costing just under $14. The products are eligible for Amazon Prime, which means members will receive free shipping. Additionally, DELOMO offers a 100% money back guarantee, “no questions asked.” The company does not specify how long this offer is valid.


DELOMO is a company that specializes specifically in the manufacturing of pet hair removal products. The company says that it “was founded with one goal in mind, to strengthen the bonds between people and their pets.” DELOMO also says that its “products can help you to brush away the mess and bring you a healthier home.”

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    Я очень довольна результатом и благодарна этому специалисту за его профессионализм и качество работы. Он помог решить проблему, с которой я боролась уже долгое время, и теперь мои тренировки в фитнес зале стали гораздо более приятными. Я определенно рекомендую услуги этого частного специалиста по озонированию всем, кто сталкивается с подобными проблемами.

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  12. says:

    That’s right you can groom your pet and remove fur at the same time. The flexible, silicone bumps on the glove also work to gift your pet a relaxing massage. One reviewer says these gloves are “necessary for all pet owners” and a handful say that cats and dogs love feel of the gloves.

  13. Keyboard says:

    I love these SO much. While it’s impossible to guarantee that they’ll work for you, they’re literally the only thing that’s worked on my cat.

  14. Kelly A Brooks says:

    I have a Shepard Husky, and he sheds more than I do. Which I didn’t think was possible 😂 He’s not too fond of the brushes we’ve tried, so I think this would be a great switch for him. More calming and relaxing, rather than overwhelming.

  15. Rae says:

    This looks great for long haired pets. Doesn’t look like it would work too well on my short haired bunny though 🙁

  16. Paula Gillespie says:

    I love this idea and product. People with arthritis could easily use this and of course our pets would love it being used on them.

  17. Paula Gillespie says:

    This is a great idea. Many people with arthritis that can’t hold a dog brush could use this and of course our pets would love it being used on them.

  18. Jenny Ham says:

    I just bought one of these to try on my cats it came yesterday so have not had a chance to do it yet. Looks like a great idea.

  19. Kate S. says:

    I always have a couple of these around and they make it so much easier… even my daughter likes using them on the pets, so that’s a plus.

  20. Kathy Scott says:

    My house is a fur magnet. I would love to try these in order to get the fur off before it starts floating around the house.

  21. Rosanne says:

    Our German Shepherd Queen shed relentlessly. Really could have used this and it would have been so soothing for her.

  22. Terri Bollin says:

    It looks like a great tool that my dogs would enjoy. They hate all the brushes that I have bought so far.

  23. Fiona jk42 says:

    I’m sceptical about this glove working with my long-haired cat, the nubs look quite bulky and not long enough.

  24. Doug W. says:

    I have this glove and it’s perfect and very convenient to use on my 2 labs. Dino, the chocolate lab, knows exactly what’s coming his way when he sees me put the gloves on. For labs, just remember to keep a large trash box close by as it won’t take long to fill it. My choice was easy, in the box or in the house.

  25. Susan Smith says:

    These gloves are a great way to pet my dog and brush his fur too, sometimes he gets a bit skittish when I brush him.

  26. PAULA BROWN says:

    I would love to have one for my cat. While you are rubbing your pet you are also brushing at the same time, instead of trying to keep your pet still while you use a brush.

  27. Piroska says:

    It looks like a great product for my dog–a border collie cross. He hates brushing, but I hate the tumbleweed furballs that collect in the corners!

  28. Christina F says:

    My dog adores when I brush her with these gloves! She just thinks she’s getting a nice pet, but they work wonderfully at removing loose hair!

  29. Hope Yelm says:

    I’ve heard great things about this type of product, especially for the use on cats with long hair like mine. Would be interested in trying this sometime

  30. Pearl Perez-Crooks says:

    I don’t have dogs, but I have a furry long haired cat. He loved cat lap time and always loves being pet. This would help keep the shedding to a minimum.

  31. Denise Carnahan says:

    Dogs love to be rubbed and loved on, so why not use this glove and give them a little grooming at the same time and a little scratch or tickle! Looks like a good quality glove and the rubber will be very easy to clean.

  32. Jennifer Tobin says:

    I would like to try this one I bought one from wish and it broke after one use. My cat loved it bc he thought I was petting him

  33. Brittney Smith says:

    Won a pair of these on amazon and I love them! Definitely helps reduce shedding. The dog loves them too because they give a good belly scratch lol

  34. Michael Wilton says:

    Been using these for a good few weeks now (short haired greyhound) and I find them to be a great finisher after using a soft brush first. They certainly (as noted by a lot of people already) don’t work well on a short haired breed as a tool for a full brush down in themselves.

  35. Lisa Lawton says:

    Would love to try this on my big dog he sheds so badly!! Don’t know how well it would work his hair is just so thick!

  36. Ana Gonzalez says:

    After reading I like that this doesn’t tug on fur enough to hurt my dog. He is a poodle mix and his fur gets crazy!

  37. Ally G says:

    My dog is short haired but she sheds like crazy. These gloves could be very helpful at preventing the hair from getting all over the house.

  38. Kimberley Holland says:

    I have been meaning to give this product a try! I have a long-haired dog with thick hair, I am hoping it can get through his hair.

  39. Sandy Klocinski says:

    These would be an awesome tool for removing hair from furniture as well. They would work great on long haired dogs (my short-haired chihuahua not so much). I might try them as kind of massage gloves though (if the little dude isn’t petrified of them)

  40. kathy M says:

    I love the fact that in addition to helping your pet remove the dog hair shed – you are giving your pet attention. My dogs love being brushed and I love the wearable feature!

  41. Linda Fast says:

    This would be wonderful to use on my son’s cats. They could use a really good brushing. I will definitely tell my son about this fantastic product.

  42. Angie Andrews says:

    What a great way to groom your pet, I’m sure mine would appreciate this so much more then a regular pet brush

  43. Vicki M says:

    I have this glove for my long hair saint bernard/australian shepherd girl and it is the best thing I have ever bought for hair removal. If your dog sheds lots you really need this!

  44. Kim Niland says:

    I like how easy it seems to pull away the loose hair. Not sure if it will work on one of my short haired pups

  45. Kristi says:

    I like that these have a longer tips on them. Our one dog is sensitive with her skin but sheds a lot and has a longer hair so I think these would work well for her!

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